Saturday, 30 July 2011

Designers "Dream Whisperers"

I am uploading some photos of artworks now displayed in the group exhibition.
My works are shown downstairs.


My sketchbook for "Hide and Seek" (2010) has also been displayed. I was so happy when I saw many people looked through the sketchbook intensively in an opening party yesterday.
Seeing a process is often more interesting than seeing just an outcome.
If you missed it, don't worry! you can look at degitalised one here.

Hide and Seek のスケッチブックも展示しました。

You can buy designers products as well. A pop-up shop is in a corner downstairs too.


Left : "Re-connection of daily objects" by Kyeok Kim

Right : "Cityscape #001" by Sohyun Kim

Liked these quirky Ceramic cups "The Forest of Childhood" by Nayoung Im

Beautiful ceramics by Makiko Nakamura
Left : "100 Years After The Party"

Exhibition Opening

Here are some photos of the opening party yesterday. I was so pleased to meet many people there and talked about art works and design. Thank you so much for coming!

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A new gallery "MOK SPACE"


The owner of this gallery is Korean. There was Korean rice wine as well!


Amazing location! It is just in front of the British Museum.
(You can see white columns of the museum in a photo above!)


There are more works in downstairs too.


You can peel a sheet of designers description to take with you.
There is also a pop-up show selling designers' products and original "Designers" bags.


Each designer shows a different point of view about "Dream and Fantasy" on hanging papers.
Very unique and beautiful descriptions.


With some drinks and chat in a creative atmosphere.... time flew quickly...


Thank MOK SPACE, Epha3 (an organiser of this exhibition) and you all visited us.
Tomorrow I will have a free workshop and look forward to meeting more people!

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来て下さった方、そしてオーガナイズしているEpha3、MOK SPACEの皆さん、

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Take me to a circus

" Take me to a circus " (2011)
358 × 358 × 50 / Mixed media

Only one day to go till the group exhibition!! (Starting this Thursday.)

This is my new work based on a circus, as "Fantasy and Dream" is a theme of the show.
A circus leads us into an exciting world where many unusual things happen. Especially for children, it is like an enchanted land filled with spells and fantasy. In this art work I created slightly darker image of circus to show an addiction to fantasy as a vine coming out from an imaginative world to capture us.

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夢やファンタジーがテーマの今回の展示に合わせて作った作品 "Take me to a circus"(私をサーカスに連れて行って、、、と訳すと古い邦画を思わせるなぁ。)サーカスは非日常なことが次々と起こる素敵な場所。特に子ども達には魔法とファンタジー溢れる世界です。この作品は、人を魅了する力を表現した少しダークなサーカスの世界。向こう側の世界からツルがのびてきて引込まれてしまうイメージです。

Once upon a time

" Once upon a time " (2011)
358 × 358 × 50 / Mixed media

I am posting my new framed work "Once upon a time" for the exhibition. I have illustrated a typical fantasy world with familiar objects in nursery tales. When I explore a concept of fantasy, I very often reach stories I used to read as most people do so. In this illustration, I offer just a beginning of a story so that audience can imagine a following story.

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今度の展示むけに作った新しい作品 "Once upon a time"(むかしむかし)です。ファンタジーというものを考えたとき、行着くところは、昔読んだ誰もが知っているおとぎ話。大多数の人のファンタジー観というのはそこにあるのではないかと思います。この作品はファンタジーの典型的な要素をいれた序章。観る人に、この先に何が起こるのか想像してもらえたらな、と思います。

Monday, 25 July 2011

Just wait to get your second wind

I had my first stall in Designers Makers Market last Saturday and it was much much smaller than I expected. And also it was clouded and very cold, so the market was very quiet with few people. I was freezing as I didn't have a jacket.

However!! Stall holders were so sweet! Kind Fabio, a painter, who was next my stall brought a hot tea for me from his studio near the market! And generous Mardy, card and gift maker, opposite let me borrow her hoody to keep me warm! Then my very sweet friend visited me with a warm soup and a small blanket! Also I met a friend's friend that my friend in Japan introduced me.

The weather was chilly and gloomy, and I didn't make money as it was too quiet, but I was filled with warmth and sweetness :) What a wonderful day it was!

This is my recent work below. xxx


上の写真は最近の作品ですが、「Just wait to get your second wind」というタイトルです。get the second wind(直訳;次の風をつかめ)回復を待て、という意味です。落ちこんだりうまく行かないときは、まぁ待て、と。マーケットはガラガラで全然売れなかったけれど、その分、ゆっくりお喋りできたし、土曜日は風待ち日だったようです。次は上昇気流に乗ってぐーーん、と。

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Designers Makers Market!!

Tomorrow I'm having a stall in Designers Makers Market.
Hope it will be sunny all day to see many people there!

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明日、Designers Makers Marketに出店します!


Opening : 11am−5pm
Address : The Triangle/ Warburton Road, London, E8 3RH
The nearest bus stop is King Edward's Road.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

hybrid character making

These are my collage illustration created in 2010. I developed from a hybrid character making above. I hope that you can get more idea about the workshop. You can see more photos on my facebook. Now book the workshop!!

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CD cover illustration - アラカキヒロコ「かぎりある物語」

Today, the 20th July, a new CD titled "Kagiriaru Monogatari" (meaning "un-endless story") has been released. It was composed by an up and coming Japanese singer Hiroko Arakaki. I created the cover illustration!

I was requested by a client of mine in Japan to illustrate the CD cover. I drew a singing woman playing a piano, to encapsulate the atmosphere found in her songs. It was inspiring and an honor to work with such a wonderful musician and lyricist.

Hiroko Arakaki desires to express humanity's fundamental strength, life and receptivity. In her songs I felt close to a motherly love that accepts who we are. I illustrated growing plants and flowers showing our natural strength and stable life energy. The right side of the cover depicts daytime and the left side illustrates night time showing a quiet dignified night.

She is very talented and I love her music!
It is a shame we can not buy the CD here outside of Japan... so please check her "my space"!

A pile of CDs waiting for release :)
(photo from Hiroko Arakaki's Twitter)

Displayed in a CD shop
(photo from Hiroko Arakaki's Twitter)


ソニーミュージックさんから「ピアノを弾いて歌っている女性」の絵を、というお話を頂いて、そこから更に何度も何度も音源を聴きこんで咀嚼しました。聴けば聴く程、味がでる音楽/歌。かぎりある物語 — 私たちが今生きているこの瞬間、人生は限りあって、だからこそありのままを受入れ愛そう、というのが私の解釈です。誰もが持ち合わせている生きるというただただシンプルな、美しく力強いチカラ。「生命力」「素からにじみ出る品性」「凛とした揺るぎなさ」、母性を思わせる「強さと優しさ、包容力」などがイラストを描く上でのキーワードになっています。


Twitterにライブや取扱店の情報がアップされるのでMy Spaceと合わせて是非チェックを☆

7月26日(火)鎌倉・由比ケ浜 「BLUE WINDY ZONE x-M-ON!」WEEK powered by MIDL SEVEN 出演
8月6日(土)渋谷 7th FLOOR レコ発ライブ!! 音源参加ミュージシャン全員参加
Guest: koetokarada meets DJ I-TAL/よしむらひらく


Sunday, 17 July 2011

Newsletter / ニュースレター

I have set up my mailing list to update my news and hopefully I would like to inform trend in both English/Japanse design as well in future. (hopefully!!)
I have two mailing list. Please sign up with the language you prefer.

You can see my first newsletter as a sample here.


{ important to whom signed up my mailing list at artsmart!! }
if you haven't got my first newsletter,
please sign up again from the link,
as some email addresses have been bounced.

Thank you!

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日本語版ニュースレター 登録
英語版ニュースレター 登録

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Dream Whisperers Workshop

I will conduct a two day workshop which is "hybrid character making" and at the end I will develop a new illustration with characters made in the workshop. Please join us!! It's free!!
Now it's the time you can activate your imagination and creativity !!!

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Date: 4pm on 30 July (Sat) or 6 August (Sat)
Place: MokSpace / 33 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LH
Entry: FREE!

How do designers develop their imagination? This workshop will show you a method to stimulate your creative capacity with daily objects. "Hybrid Character Making" is a method to produce an original character by combining unrelated objects. The workshop will use daily publications, such as free magazines and newspapers, for collecting materials for developing your own characters!

To RSVP the WORKSHOP, please contact Wenjing at Epha3

  • E-mail:
  • M: +44(0)7885789212


Last week I visited a studio in Lambeth North, where many artists and designers gather, to have a meeting about a workshop in our group exhibition "Dream whisperers". It was a very attractive place. Now I'm dreaming to have my own studio in the future!

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先日、南ロンドンにあるスタジオ(アーティストやデザイナーが集まっているスタジオ)に行ってきました。次の展示Dream Whisperers で行うワークショップの打合せです。自分のスタジオ、夢/目標です。いいなぁ。。

on the way there......

I found a lovely flower shop/school near my bus stop. I didn't know that!

Now on sale everywhere and nice cool summer

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These are the photos of the building. Over 60 rooms are there.

Colourful studios which remind me of beach huts at the seaside.

Outdoor sketches everywhere :)