Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Take me to a circus

" Take me to a circus " (2011)
358 × 358 × 50 / Mixed media

Only one day to go till the group exhibition!! (Starting this Thursday.)

This is my new work based on a circus, as "Fantasy and Dream" is a theme of the show.
A circus leads us into an exciting world where many unusual things happen. Especially for children, it is like an enchanted land filled with spells and fantasy. In this art work I created slightly darker image of circus to show an addiction to fantasy as a vine coming out from an imaginative world to capture us.

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夢やファンタジーがテーマの今回の展示に合わせて作った作品 "Take me to a circus"(私をサーカスに連れて行って、、、と訳すと古い邦画を思わせるなぁ。)サーカスは非日常なことが次々と起こる素敵な場所。特に子ども達には魔法とファンタジー溢れる世界です。この作品は、人を魅了する力を表現した少しダークなサーカスの世界。向こう側の世界からツルがのびてきて引込まれてしまうイメージです。