I had my first stall in Designers Makers Market last Saturday and it was much much smaller than I expected. And also it was clouded and very cold, so the market was very quiet with few people. I was freezing as I didn't have a jacket.
However!! Stall holders were so sweet! Kind Fabio, a painter, who was next my stall brought a hot tea for me from his studio near the market! And generous Mardy, card and gift maker, opposite let me borrow her hoody to keep me warm! Then my very sweet friend visited me with a warm soup and a small blanket! Also I met a friend's friend that my friend in Japan introduced me.
The weather was chilly and gloomy, and I didn't make money as it was too quiet, but I was filled with warmth and sweetness :) What a wonderful day it was!
This is my recent work below. xxx
上の写真は最近の作品ですが、「Just wait to get your second wind」というタイトルです。get the second wind(直訳;次の風をつかめ)回復を待て、という意味です。落ちこんだりうまく行かないときは、まぁ待て、と。マーケットはガラガラで全然売れなかったけれど、その分、ゆっくりお喋りできたし、土曜日は風待ち日だったようです。次は上昇気流に乗ってぐーーん、と。