Today, the 20th July, a new CD titled "Kagiriaru Monogatari" (meaning "un-endless story") has been released. It was composed by an up and coming Japanese singer Hiroko Arakaki. I created the cover illustration!
I was requested by a client of mine in Japan to illustrate the CD cover. I drew a singing woman playing a piano, to encapsulate the atmosphere found in her songs. It was inspiring and an honor to work with such a wonderful musician and lyricist.
Hiroko Arakaki desires to express humanity's fundamental strength, life and receptivity. In her songs I felt close to a motherly love that accepts who we are. I illustrated growing plants and flowers showing our natural strength and stable life energy. The right side of the cover depicts daytime and the left side illustrates night time showing a quiet dignified night.
She is very talented and I love her music!
It is a shame we can not buy the CD here outside of Japan... so please check her "my space"!
A pile of CDs waiting for release :)
(photo from Hiroko Arakaki's Twitter)
Displayed in a CD shop
(photo from Hiroko Arakaki's Twitter)
ソニーミュージックさんから「ピアノを弾いて歌っている女性」の絵を、というお話を頂いて、そこから更に何度も何度も音源を聴きこんで咀嚼しました。聴けば聴く程、味がでる音楽/歌。かぎりある物語 — 私たちが今生きているこの瞬間、人生は限りあって、だからこそありのままを受入れ愛そう、というのが私の解釈です。誰もが持ち合わせている生きるというただただシンプルな、美しく力強いチカラ。「生命力」「素からにじみ出る品性」「凛とした揺るぎなさ」、母性を思わせる「強さと優しさ、包容力」などがイラストを描く上でのキーワードになっています。
7月26日(火)鎌倉・由比ケ浜 「BLUE WINDY ZONE x-M-ON!」WEEK powered by MIDL SEVEN 出演
8月6日(土)渋谷 7th FLOOR レコ発ライブ!! 音源参加ミュージシャン全員参加
Guest: koetokarada meets DJ I-TAL/よしむらひらく