Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Marshmallow Challenge!! マシュマロチャレンジ!

Recently I have been working with Epha3, a design consultant team. They are going to have a group exhibition in July, which gather different type of designers such as ceramic, jewelry, product, etc. and I'm exhibiting my work as well. Today I had a meeting about it. During the conversation "the Marshmallow challenge" was brought up by chance.

Have you ever heard about it? Actually I have done this before in a workshop for Artsmart, but I didn't know that it has the name.

It involves the task of constructing the highest possible self-standing structure with a marshmallow on top. The structure must be completed within 18 minutes using 20 sticks of spaghetti, tape, string and a marshmallow.

It is quite interesting and beneficial to learn the importance of prototype, management of process, etc, which are fundamental skill of designing. You can see the video below and try it!!






Sunday, 29 May 2011

Treat ! - ご褒美!

As I was too busy with completing my proposal for Master course and English exam, I haven't uploaded my blog for long time. I finished my exam today and finally I'm free for my art work! In reward for my hard study under a pressure I had a special dinner :P I cooked Shumai, which is similar to dumplings but needs less ingredients, white rice, miso-soup and Okura (green one in a photo). It was very tasty! I'm genius!!!! (secret recipe is from website here ;) but in Japanese)

I'm sooooo satisfied, happy and relaxed :)))))) Homemade meal is the best!

Have a lovely weekend, everyone xxx




みなさま良い週末を xxx

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Happy wedding!

Congratulations!! My friend got married at the end of April.
As I posted before I designed the invitation card and an illustration sign to put at the entrance.

I have got photos of the party taken by a photographer and they look so lovely.
It is a great pleasure to see something I've done in such a happy occasion.



Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Wren VS Piano

Last weekend I and my friends visited Greenwich!
After exploring sunday market, we visited The Old Royal Naval College designed by Sir Christopher Wren.(well,, for English I don't need to write about this great architect, do I??)

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A wedding ceremony was on in Chapel.
(The groom was trying to put a ring on bride's finger, but ..... seems to be a bit tight!!)

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On the way back to London by boat I found a controversial building "SHARD" which will be 310m high, the highest in EU, in 2012. A photo (left below) I took from the boat shows how Tower Bridge looks. As you can see in the planning (right below) SHARD will be much higher than now.

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And nobody can tell this will be a great London view on this photo from Evening Standard.
It completely spoils the beauty of St. Paul Cathedral.

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(写真: Evening Standard.co.uk)

An Italian architect Renzo Piano who designed SHARD.
Sir. Christopher Wren who designed St. Paul Cathedral.
200 years ago Sir Wren never imagined such a tall building.
One of his work is in peace in Greenwich. By contraries his masterpiece in London has been interfered by a new modern building.

Do you agree with this building??

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Saturday, 7 May 2011

Thank you!!

Although it is a bit late to say, I hope everyone had a nice Easter.

The Easter cards I made raised £340.92 at last.
Most cards were sold in two catholic church in Bournemouth and some of my friends bought as well.
I have got some donation too. I cannot thank enough for all warm support.
This money have been sent to Japanese Embassy in the U.K.

Japan is still in a hard situation, especially Tohoku area where I spent my childhood.
I hope they can recover their normal life as soon as possible.

募金含め、最終的に £340.92 募ることができました。


Friday, 6 May 2011

life drawing ーヌードデッサンー

I have been terribly down and in a slump recently as I have got so much pressure and stress. I am afraid I won't be able to manage enough products for artsmat. My English exam is coming shortly and I am struggling with a proposal essay for MA course, which has not formed even an outline yet. I may get a commission but I have never done that kind of work before. Everything is in a rush towards me. Then it completely stopped my creative spring!!

With my friend's warm support, today I finally could manage to go to Life Drawing Drop in Class at Candid Gallery in Angel. It is for 2 hours and costs £7. You can use any material to draw.

I had never done life drawing before coming to England for the study of art and design. So it was my first lesson and grew my creative foundation. Thus today's class brought back my first feeling when I started my study and reset me. As I was really down, I was tempted to give up everything such as having a stall in artsmart or even applying MA course. Silly me!! Though It may take more time to control myself, I can do step by step, don't rush, make sure the priority, take my time.... and never give up!

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友人の励ましや支えに助けられ、とりあえず何か強制的に手を動かさねばと思い、今日、life drawing(ヌードデッサン) のセッションに参加。Candid Gallery 主催の2時間1セッションのコースです。1回限りでもよいDrop in形式で1回7ポンド(約950円)。短いもので2、3分、長いもので15分〜30分とモデルのポーズが変わります。特に指導はなく、使うマテリアルも人それぞれ自由。


ほぼ2年ぶりのlife drawing は単純に楽しいだけでなく、描くこと、観察すること、手を動かすということ、改めて初心に返らされた気がしました。なんだか泥沼にはまってしまい、実はartsmartも大学院さえも全て投げ出してもいいかな・・・なんて血迷っていたので、勉強を始めた時の気持ちや覚悟、今までやってきた思い出みたいなものに救われました。焦らず、無理せず、優先順位をつけて、やれるものはやる、やれないものはやれない、ひとつひとつ向合っていくしかないんだなと。(ほんとうに当たり前のことなのですが、、。)頑張ります。