It's spring now and Easter is on the way. As I got a request I have designed Easter cards which are different from ordinary religious cards. I am rushing to get ready to open my web-shop to sell them on line as well. Although It won't be a lot of money by selling these, I would like to donate all profit to Japan Tsunami appeal.
I will update the information about web-shop in few days, but if you are interested in these cards, please contact me :)
Added on 29th March
As Easter is just around corner, I have decided not to open web-shop only for it, but I uploaded photos and informations on my Facebook. I made a link from the right side picture on this blog as well.
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すっかり春らしくなりました。来月23日はイースターです。ありきたりのイースターカードではないカードを作ってほしいというリクエストをもらい、デザイン・製作中です。今回はクリスチャンのカードなので、ちょっと宗教色も織り交ぜながら。イースターはすぐそこまで迫っていますが、(いまから! 汗)ネットにも販路を広げてみようと画策中。時間もないので、あまり売り上げは期待できませんが、収益は全額、日本の被災地に寄付するつもりなので、ちょっとでも売れたらいいなと。