My work "The Missing Queen" is on my favorite website, "upon a fold" which shows lovely paper works. You will be amazed this site is filled with wonderful creative ideas and talented artists. Must check it!!
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私の作品、“The Missing Queen” がオーストラリアの紙ものサイト “upon a fold” で取りあげられてます。素敵な作品がマメにアップされてるサイトなので、是非チェックを!
It's spring now and Easter is on the way. As I got a request I have designed Easter cards which are different from ordinary religious cards. I am rushing to get ready to open my web-shop to sell them on line as well. Although It won't be a lot of money by selling these, I would like to donate all profit to Japan Tsunami appeal.
I will update the information about web-shop in few days, but if you are interested in these cards, please contact me :)
Added on 29th March
As Easter is just around corner, I have decided not to open web-shop only for it, but I uploaded photos and informations on my Facebook. I made a link from the right side picture on this blog as well.
It will be displayed at the entrance of my friend's wedding ceremony in April. I posted it to Japan and once it has been received they will frame it. All illustrations were hand-drawn by me. The flowers were cut out to give more depth and ultimately to create a unique look with beautiful shadows.
'My cup of tea' is my most favorite English expression. I was so fascinated when I first heard this phrase!! How English it is!!! Since I came here my tea habit has been changed, and now I am a tea lover as much as English, I suppose. The first thing to do when I come back home is, of course, to put the kettle on!
Anyway, you may have seen this TV advert series of PG tips. Although it is not my favorite tea brand, I love the monkey puppet!
ブログのタイトルでもある “My cup of tea” という英語、「好み・趣向」という意味でよく使われる表現です。例えば映画や服装、インテリアの趣味などに関して、It's not my cup of tea. (私の好みじゃない)、というように主に否定形で使われるフレーズ。これを初めて耳にしたとき、なんとイギリス的な!と感動しました。イギリス=紅茶の国という方式は、決してステレオタイプではなく、こちらでは本当に紅茶(ミルクティー)をひっきりなしに飲みます。そして、それぞれ個人の好み(濃い薄い、砂糖の量)がはっきりしているので、この表現が生まれたのも、とっても納得。
I have got an order to customize a gift box for a farewell present. The words on the lid are 'for your success' and inside are 'good luck'. This box contains a positive meaning, such as success and new start, which was represented in growing flowers and a flying butterfly. I decorated the box with silver string and butterfly cut-out, then added a small card with a translucent envelope.
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オーダーメイドのボックスが本日、私の手元から旅立っていきました。お別れの際の贈りものとしての注文ですが、ポジティブな意味合いで、とのことで、蓋には金文字で "for your success" (成功を祈って)、中には "good luck" (グッドラック)の文字を、育っていく植物と飛び立つ蝶とあわせてデザインしました。ラッピングは銀色の紐と蝶のカットアウト。既に箱なので包装がいりません!蓋の裏にメッセージを書いてもいいですが、今回はミニカード&半透明の封筒もおつけしました。
The massive earthquake measuring 9.0 and the following Tsunami struck Japan last Friday, on 11th March. This is the worst hardship for Japan since World War Ⅱ and it has broken my heart completely. My family in Yokohama, just out side of Tokyo, are all ok but I am still waiting for good news from my close friend in Sendai, one of the worst-hit area. (On 14th March I finally got a reply from her!! She and her family are ok! Thank God!)
Many countries including the U.K are offering gracious support for Japan and we deeply appreciate it. I also got many warm message and encouragement from my friends over the world. Now in Japan we unite to overcome this calamity. As I am in England I only can pray for the people and donate, but I am still thinking what I can do something else. It is too hard for me only watching the awful news on TV here. Although I don't know anyone would like to donate, I add the link to British Red Cross on this blog as one of the things I can do now.
I made pancakes as it is 'Pancake Day' today! My first English style pancake I made. I made with whole grain flour, because after coming back from my shopping I realised my plain flour has been used up. Anyway I enjoyed it :P
To Japanese speakers I write more about Pancake Day and I found old photos of Pancake race which was taken in 1979 -my birth year!- on internet.
I am on The Sketchbook Project, in which 28,839 artists around the world are participating. Since 19th February my sketchbook has been in the library (photo from Sketchbook project website) in NY as a first step of this tour moving around 9 places in the U.S. So far two people in NY have glanced at my sketchbook. How lucky that these people discovered my sketchbook from the huge amount of sketchbooks!
Although I will post photos and details, you can have a look at my page here. Please pop into the library near your place if you are in the U.S!