Saturday, 30 April 2011

Alice's adventure in Wonderland

The whole play of Alice's adventure in Wonderland at Royal Opera House was on BBC!
It was really well done.I got into it.

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(photo by Tristram Kenton / from Guardian website)

I have been reading a book "Through the Looking-Glass" at a slow pace like snail!
Wish I have more time to do....

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His imaginary world always inspires me. And the illustration by John Tenniel!
Absolutely love it xxx

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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Logo Design ーロゴデザインー

My recent illustration work of logo design for
an antique shop named "70B ANTIQUES" which is going to be open this year.

70B ANTIQUES というこれからオープンのアンティークのお店。

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


As I posted before, I am delighted to have been selected to exhibit at Artsmart, a design and art market on 1st and 2nd July. The official website has been uploaded! Now you can see what kind of stall holders will be there. My stall name is "Paperholic" as I will sell my paper-graphic-art and some products made with paper. Actually all the works look so cool! Let's brows and make sure you will be free for this event on 1st and 2nd July!

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以前のポストでも紹介しましたが、7月1日と2日に開催される Artsmart というデザイン/アートマーケットの出店者に選ばれました。 オフィシャルサイトで出店アーティストが見れるようになりました。面白そうな作品/商品が沢山!楽しみです。ちなみに私はPaperholic(紙中毒者!笑)というストール名で出店します。紙もの沢山。

portable studio ー移動式スタジオー

Here in London it is already like summer! It was 23 degree today. No one can resist sunbathing!
I went to the Regent Park where is just 5 minutes walk from my flat. I packed a blanket, some snacks, cold drink and my materials I have to work with into a wooden case, so that I could work in the park. I know it looks a bit odd, but why not ?!
Well,,, although it was enjoyable to work in the sun, I ended up reading and napping mostly, as you can imagine!


Sunday, 17 April 2011

Pop-up church

My new pop-up card for church.
This kind of card could be for a wedding invitation as well.

I can personalise cards for your special occasion.
Please visit my online shop and feel free to ask about customised cards.

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a beauty of light


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

what I can do ーできることをー

Easter cards for sale


I only can do something I can do now.


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Spring ー春ー

Spring photos taken in Bournemouth. As it was just before the sunset, there were many surprises!

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ボーンマスというイギリス南西部の街の公園で撮った春の写真。 夕暮れ時は色んな発見が。

A symbol of spring for English, daffodil


A symbol of spring for Japanese, cherry blossoms


A rabbit hole leading to wonderland.
Unfortunately I missed a photo of a little bunny coming up from the hole!


Can you see?




Wednesday, 6 April 2011

artsmart. -アートマーケットに出店します-

Although it is three month ahead, I will have a stall to sell my works in "artsmart.", the art market from 1-2 July (Fri. and Sat.). It will be hold in Rootstein Hopkins Parade Ground where is Chelsea Collage of Art and Design, just opposite of Tate Britain. By the time I have to make more works!! Busy Busy Busy!

{ about the event from their facebook }

This summer University of the Arts London launches Artsmart, two-day celebration of creative endeavour including a market, talks programme and a recruitment fair. With more than 100 stalls, Artsmart market promises to showcase the very latest in art, design and fashion from the University’s alumni. From 1 – 2 July we invite you to discover new talent and innovative work with the opportunity to take home your exclusive finds. The market is open to everyone, so reserve the dates in your diary now to get in early.

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3ヶ月先の話ですが、7月1-2日(金土)に artsmart というアートマーケットに出店が決まりました。Tate Britain の向かい、Chelsea Collage の敷地内で開催されます。まだ先とはいえ、売るものが全然足りないので、これから必死に製作です。


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Digitalized sketch book 2

I digitalized my sketchbook project which I posted before.

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前にポストしたSketchbook Project をデジタライズしました。

Friday, 1 April 2011

digitalized sketch book 1

ISSUU is a free digitalized service which is wonderful! This is a sketchbook for my project "Hide and Seek" last year.

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ISSUUというデジタル書籍化のサービスを利用して、昨年作ったスケッチブックをデジタライズしました。Hide and Seek というプロジェクトの製作過程をまとめたものです。